This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.


HLA-DQA1 microarray data

Previous studies have demonstrated the expression levels of the HLA-DQA1 gene, although the toxic mechanism involved with Celiac Disease has not yet been determined.  Below I will discuss the microarray data that has been previously completed. 
This graph shows human microarray data from a previous experiment.  Specifically, RNA samples from both celiac disease patients and wild type patients are shown above here.  Based on the data in this graph, I observe that the HLA-DQA1 gene expression levels in the peripheral blood samples are at very low  levels in celiac disease patients, while at very high levels in wild type patients (shown above on the left side of the graph).  As a comparison, the expression levels in the intraepithelial tissue samples are not as definite (shown above on the right side of the graph), indicating that peripheral blood samples would provide the most insight into further research of celiac disease and HLA-DQA1 gene expression.  I would expect that further microarray testing of peripheral blood samples would yield low HLA-DQA1 expression in Celiac patients and high HLA-DQA1 expression levels in healthy patients.


  1. Gene Expression Omnibus-